Wednesday, March 6, 2019


So after accepting this blogging challenge and posting the first day...I have not written in 5 days. Usually I am the type of person who follows through, and when I say I am going to do something, I do it; I'm your typical straight-A overachiever.  But for some reason I just have not been writing.  I almost just deleted the whole thing and gave up, but with a little encouragement, I have decided to get back up on the horse.  Maybe I won't blog every day for 30 days.  Maybe I won't be perfect or win any prizes (and trust me...I love prizes), but I will just keep on writing.  Since I am feeling guilty about dropping the ball this first week, here my excuses.  In no particular order, these are the top 10 truly honest and real reasons that I have not been writing:

1.  I forgot.
2.  I have been doing laundry.
3.  I had too many margaritas.
4.  I have been very slowly helping my 6-year-old read Purrmaids, which is a book about mermaid kitten best friends Coral, Shelley, and Angel. I am not making this up.  We are in the first book of a 6 book series.
5.  I have been running.
6.  It was Fantasy Suite AND Women Tell All week on The Bachelor.
7.  I became obsessed with the book I was reading until I finished it yesterday.  It's called Purple Hibiscus.  I highly recommend it!
8.  I have been working on a 5th grade book report.
9.  I was legitimately very sad about Luke Perry dying.
10.  I was feeling insecure about this whole blogging thing for some reason. 

So there is my confession.  Hopefully I will be writing more soon, not worrying about if I'm doing it right or if anyone is even reading it.  I'll just keep writing!


  1. I am delighted that you dropped back in, Courtney! Kudos to you for not giving up! I can't help laughing aloud at some of the items on your list of excuses and have never heard of Purrmaids - must investigate. I am not laughing about Luke or your feeling of insecurity, however - the hardest thing for me to do is put my writing out there. So, I am cheering on reading your last line, "I'll just keep writing!" -- You will be glad you did. I am glad you did. :)
